
NativeUI-web.js is lightweight easy to use library which enables native effects on web.


Native-UI web

Native-UI web

What is Native-UI web?
This is a library I created to mimic some of the native android-like effects on the web. Yes, I know materialize already achieves this but I made this library before I discovered material design.
Currently, the only component available is a ripple like button.

How does it work?
Even though the code to use a native-ui button is extremely simple, there is actually a lot going on under the hood. Internally, native-ui retrieves all the elements with ripples class and replaces the innerHTML with a container and a canvas which listens for events and draws ripples whenever it is called.

Clone the github repository.
Open a terminal and run the following

npm install 
npm run build
npm run browserify

Import the javascript bundle and the css.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="app.css"/>  
<script src="app.bundle.js"></script>
<a href="{% url 'projects:index' %}" class="native-btn native-btn-primary ripples">

And that's it! Easy to use Native-UI effects on web.

Mohammad Arafat Zaman © 2025

All rights reserved